'Cause I'm the Queen of Denial
Well, I finally have a baby tub & some wash cloths. I just finally ordered some nursing tanks and Klaw's "Boob Man" hat. Klaw's diaper bag is mostly packed except for the camera. My hospital bag has two outfits packed and I finally bought some slippers so I don't have to walk around barefooted (although, I'm really hoping the hospital will give me some of those non-slip blue sock things...I love them). I made a HUGE BJ's run this past weekend and just stocked up on some other necessities from Wal-Mart and I'll hit up some grocery stores this weekend.
However, I still haven't set foot in the hospital for a tour of the maternity ward/women's center. I literally live 5 minutes from the hospital and pass it nearly every day. All I have to do is place a call & find out if they have a room available for me to view and someone available to give me little tour of the place. I readily admit I have a mental block when it comes to hospitals. I hate 'em. I have spent more time than I would like to in a variety of emergency rooms and, regardless of my treatment, I associate hospitals with all kinds of horrible things. I know I need to get over it...soon. Very, very soon. My doula did remind me that even if I don't visit beforehand, I'll still end up at the right place when the time comes...