I've been following The Animated Woman on Twitter for a couple of weeks now. She is a delight & seriously, too stinkin' cute. I hope that doesn't offend her because "too stinkin' cute" is one of the highest compliments I ever give. Check out her blog to see some of her work. The Animated Woman created a lovely video for Earth Day. It's simple, short and poignant...and I really liked it so I'm hoping you'll take about 30 seconds to watch it, too.
I also hope you'll check out the Earth Day posts from two of my other favorite bloggers, Ani from The Simple Single Mom and Nicole from Flip Flops & Combat Boots.
Here are my two easiest ways to introduce a little more "green" into your life starting today, Earth Day 2011:
1 - Recycle. Seriously. Most communities offer curbside pick-up, even if you have to pay a little bit to have it. If you can't/won't pay for curbside pick-up, there is usually a drop off location in the vicinity. It's an extra half hour of your week (or 2 weeks). Quit making excuses and just do it.
2 - Compost. You don't have to get all crazy with a huge, expensive compost bin. Even just keeping your oil/meat free scraps to the side when you are preparing dinner can be a good start. Find a corner in your yard & dump it there. My Nana didn't get fancy, she just had a little "kitchen scraps" dump site. Our house in Washington had a corner where we just dumped the raked leaves & food. Now, we have a re-purposed wine barrel (of course we use a wine barrel) with holes Chris drilled into the sides. It works great & we bought it cheap from a local winery. I made one in Charleston from chicken wire & metal garden posts for next to nothing in cost (anybody who knew me in Charleston knows I was broke as a joke, so this was definitely cheap).
Okay - if you are shaking your head about all of this Earth Day nonsense or if you just like a good dose of sarcasm, you may want to go over to Jamie's blog for Friday's Survival Sarcasm: Easter & Earth Day. Possibly, NSFW.