Moonlight - two words: Alex O'Loughlin
You can keep your Hawaii Five-0 (although I have been known to watch it on mute). I want the gorgeous & emotionally tortured vampire, please.
Dark Shadows - Barnabas is another tortured undead soul that should still be on air (at least in more reruns!). I was enthralled by this show when I was little. It creeped me out quite a bit, but I liked it...if an episode happens to be playing when I'm channel surfing, I'm on it like white on rice. Maybe this is why I was so drawn to Moonlight.
Angel - Okay, yeah, I'm noticing a theme already. No, I have not seen any of the Twilight movies. If Rob Pattinson looked like David Boreanz, I would have been there at midnight with all of the screaming teenagers.
The Greatest American Hero - Who could it be? Believe it or not, it's just me! Best. Theme Song. Ever.
Wonder Woman - C'mon. A brunette Amazon that kicks Nazi tail? What's not to love? (especially for a lanky, dorky brunette named Dana)
Boston Public - This is really for Chris. He loved this show. I enjoyed it, too. Smell that shoe.
Pushing Daisies - This show was so freaking cute & dark at the same time. I loved it. It introduced me to Kristin Chenowith (who needs a sammich based on how she looks on SYTYCD). I also knew from the beginning that it wouldn't last. The humor in it was too dark to appeal to the masses and the whole storyline was really quite quirky & strange in an Edward Scissorhands kind of way. I was sad to say goodbye to The Pie Hole.
The New Adventures of Old Christine - This show was so inappropriate in so many ways. It was hilarious. Obviously, not everyone agreed.
The "real" "not suitable for kids" Sesame Street - I'm sorry Elmo & Abby annoy the crap out of me. I won't let Klaw watch the "new" Sesame Street. I can't stand it. Why can't the clips be slower and less CrAzY? Here's a little Cab Calloway action:
Guiding Light - CBS can bite my butt for cancelling one of my stories (two if you count As the World Turns). That is all.
I purposely left out Arrested Development. I think most people agree that it is too obvious a choice.

This post was inspired by Mama Kat's Writing Prompt:
1.) A list of 10 old TV shows you’d like to make a comeback.
*as of 8:15am EST, the video clips are not loading. I am trying to figure it out. Thanks!