Believe it or not, I have a streak of vanity.
I know, I know...this may be hard to believe when you think about how public I was about my big fat face on the Fourth of July, my accidental mullet, or my atrocious sense of elementary school fashion.
Yes, I will leave the house and make light of the fact that my face is twice as big as usual. I'm not saying I like it, but it's not that big of a deal and I do kind of think it's funny. I don't mind the huge cafe au lait birthmark that stretches from my calf to my back. The big brown splotch on my forehead doesn't bother me a bit. My multiple scars & bruises are just evidence of a life well-lived.
However, throw a few zits on my face and you'd think I've grown a third head.
My almost 35 year old face has broken out in painful acne thanks to the prednisone I had to take in order to reduce the size of my swollen face. I've had adult acne for a while, so this is nothing entirely new, but it's been fairly well controlled thanks to various treatments. Pregnancy made my acne almost non-existent.
I had been lulled into an acne-free dream world.
Prednisone knocked my happy butt back into reality.
No, I'm not posting any pictures.
For the record, prednisone-induced acne scoffs at prescription acne cream.