Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Lesson in Ordering Magazines

So, my niece, KriKri, was selling magazines for a school fundraiser.  I like playing the part of the supportive aunt.

I do, however, like to save money.

Chris & I decided to pick a magazine that might appeal to both of us so I circled some that sounded interesting.  From that, Chris knocked out the ones he wasn't interested in and then we chose the cheapest one.

Outdoor Life

Chris & I like to camp, hike, enjoy the great outdoors on a regular basis. This sounded like something we could both enjoy and it would help out KriKri and her school.

You know that old saying - when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me - right?

Yeah. That.

I know, I know...when you think of me, you think of automatic weapons.  I completely understand the association.

I'm thinking about using some of the articles and headlines for blog fodder.

What do you think? I'll be getting these magazines for a year...
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